I Am Not A Fan


Western Kentucky University Football Stadium. Picture can be found here.

Let me set the record straight from the start.  I am a huge Hilltoppers fan.  When I attended Western Kentucky University, I quickly developed a love for football.  The atmosphere and excitement of the fans coming together for a common purpose is exciting, and hearing the roar of the crowd when a play is made is indescribable.  Seeing people come together and not trying to tear each other down is refreshing.  Imagine if the Facebook world was like the football stadium that you see above.  From the onset, we would have to have a much larger stadium since Facebook currently has over 1 billion users.

Imagine, like the WKU Hilltopper fans, if all of the Facebook users came together for one common purpose and that purpose was to share the gospel?  There would be no fighting or disagreements, but rather we would take the time to get to know people and demonstrate through social media that we care about them.  However, what I frequently see and what I am not a fan of is how members of the Lord’s church conduct themselves on social media. Instead of getting to know people and demonstrating a spirit of love and care, I see a spirit of hate and arrogance.  This spirit does not line up with what Paul says in Ephesians 4:29 where he says, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” (NKJV).  While it is our duty to stand up for the faith, we must do it in a spirit of love.  Join me in speaking wholesome words on all social media outlets, and encourage those who are of the world to become a fan of New Testament Christians.

About Tyler Binkley

Accredited Meteorologist, Alumnus of Western Kentucky University, and Alumnus of the Nashville School of Preaching and Biblical Studies in Nashville, TN. Youth Minister at the Bearwallow Road church of Christ. Grew up in Ashland City, TN. God and weather are my passions. Writer for the blog Purely The Truth. Feel free to send me an email anytime.
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1 Response to I Am Not A Fan

  1. doris says:

    You should add best song leader to your list, Tyler!

    Liked by 1 person

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